Out of the five types of purification systems, the RO water system which is also known as the Reverse Osmosis system is highly recommended as compared to other purification machines. Although the RO water system is providing many benefits, there are also some drawbacks of this water machine.

In this article, we will summarize the benefits and drawbacks of the reverse osmosis water system.

Benefits of Reverse Osmosis system:

  1. This type of water system is highly recommended to remove solid materials like arsenic, lead, fluoride that are dissolved in water.
  1. Besides removing dissolved particles, this system also eliminates particles that contribute to waterborne diseases. Waterborne diseases are caused by microorganisms like protozoa, viruses, and bacteria.
  1. RO water systems can remove the particles that can be a cause of the bad odour and taste in water. In short, the RO water system improves the taste of the water.
  1. This system consumes less space and can easily be placed anywhere (can be placed in the bedroom, kitchen, office, etc). It is cost-effective and uses less electricity to work.

Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis system:

  1. While purification of the water, this system wastes a lot of water as a byproduct and can also make the water tasteless (by di-mineralizing the water). For example, to purify 5 litres of water, the RO water system will waste 2.5 litres of water.
  1. Some particles are so small that they can pass through the semi-permeable membranes.
  1. It consumes more electricity as compared to the UV water system. 

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